
our mermaid

  A little while back, I came across a quote that stuck with me:

"I must be a mermaid, Rango.  I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living." - Anais Nin.

I sure do hope we are raising a mermaid.

two! | virginia, maryland and washington, dc family photographer

Today, our baby girl turns two!  This fact has pretty much leaves me at a loss for words.  Fortunately, I came across a sweet poem that captures my thoughts perfectly:

'words can be worrisome, people complex; motives and manners unclear.
grant her the wisdom to choose her path right, free from unkindness and fear.
let her tell stories, and dance in the rain, somersaults, tumble and run;
her joys must be high as her sorrows are deep, let her grow like a weed in the sun. help her to help herself, help her to stand, help her to lose, and to find.
teach her we’re only as big as our dreams,  show her that fortune is blind. truth is a thing she must find for herself, precious, and rare as a pearl; give her all these, and a little bit more, gifts for a blueberry girl.'

blueberry girl by neil gaiman

We had a little backyard party for her this past weekend.  I was so busy enjoying our friends and family that I have hardly any pictures.  But, after all of our guests had gone home, I bribed my little blueberry girl with a macaroon or three and took a few images before taking down the decorations.

Happy Birthday, Nora!



  One of the best things about becoming a mother is being able to see things (again) through your child's eyes.  Watching that babe watch snow with such amazement was more fun than I ever could have imagined.


why I love my phone

  I wasn't an early adopter of the iPhone.  Now, I don't know what I would do without it.  What I love, above all else, is that it allows me to capture so many everyday images of my daughter.  All of those tiny moments that end up meaning everything.

office options

  We are in the process of moving some things around to try to give me a proper office space and Nora a proper play space.  We both need an area for our respective creative outlets.

While I'm having a great time picking out play tables and easels, I am more than a bit excited to start to decorate the new office space.  Of course, we'll be reusing a lot of things that we already have, but I may just have to find a way to get my paws on a new desk chair.  Preferably, one of the two below.  Arms or no arms?  That is the question.


Hello, 2012!

  2011 was quite a doozy.  Like most years, it had its share of ups and downs.  However, it will stand in my mind as one of the more incredible years.  It was the year that I mustered up enough courage to leave my good job to chase my dreams towards a great one.  And, the year that I watched my sweet baby grow into a little girl.  I'm not one for resolutions, but if there is one thing that 2011 taught me, it is that you have to make your own future.  So, I think that I'll make an exception and resolve to simply appreciate this life that my husband and I are building together.

Oh, and I resolve to invest in some more dress-up clothes for this little lady.


tiny fashion | last day of november

  As fall is heading into winter, I figured it was time for another installment of tiny fashion.  Maybe the images look a bit more like baby mugshots than a toddler photo shoot, but it is beyond cute that N can now follow directions and "go stand against the wall" to humor me and my camera.


old friends + new beginnings

A while back, when you didn't need a coat, I spent an incredible weekend in New York celebrating a friend's wedding shower.  I've known these ladies since we were just babes.   Over time, we've been scattered about the country, but, when we get together, it's as if no time has passed.  The laughs.  Oh, the laughs. And, there is nothing better than seeing the ones that you love find love.  Their wedding was simply magical.



little boots

A while back, I kept up a personal blog.  It was during the time that we were trying to start our family.  At first, I wasn't terribly comfortable with the idea of sharing the more private parts of my life to the internet.  But, to my surprise, I found that the words came quite naturally. I stopped updating that space around the time my daughter was born.  Life just got too busy.

Now, I find myself writing this blog.  But, I've been struggling with what to post here.  So far, I've kept it strictly to photography and it's started to feel a little limited.  Instead, I'm thinking that I'd rather try to document both the personal and the professional here.

So, for my initial less-photography-focused post, I give you my daughter's new moccasins.  Finding proper soles on tiny shoes required some persistence, but I think all that cuteness was worth the search.



camera therapy

  For a while now, I've followed the blog of the fabulous Rachel Devine.  You can't help but be drawn in by her wit, honesty, and of course her amazing photos.  She is literally one of my phootography inspirations.  So, when I heard that she was going to be having a workshop in DC of all places, I jumped at the chance to attend.  It was my very first workshop and I admit, I was a wee bit nervous.  But, from the moment I met Rachel (and her amazing assistant Meredith), that apprehension melted away.  Instead, I had an incredible time learning alongside an impressive group of photographers.  I am excited to keep learning, to keep shooting and to keep doing what I love.

These are some of my favorite images I took from that day: