
you are my wild: week 10

There is no cute story to tell or milestone to record through my image this week.  Instead, I chose to use a picture that I took a few weeks back.  Of a kid just being comfortable in her own house.

I suppose that it could be considered cheating to recycle a picture from an earlier week.  But, this was a difficult and bittersweet one for me.  A week when I didn't really feel much like recording new memories, but sifting through my old ones.  My grandma passed away after 96 beautiful years.  And while these past few days have been more of a celebration of that life, the loss of a loved one, regardless of whether it was their time, can leave behind bit of a hurting in your heart.  But, then I look at Nora and know that those two generations had the chance to meet many times and just try to feel lucky.

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See the rest of this week's Wild posts here.

you are my wild: week 9

For a while now, Nora has been shedding the things of her babyhood at an alarming pace.  For months, there have been no more diapers or naps.  For even more months, she has been sleeping in her big girl bed after rejecting her crib in a most early and dramatic fashion.  So, it was somewhat surprising to me then, that for every meal, she insisted on sitting in her high chair.  That was up until the other week, when that too was finally cast aside for a proper chair at the table. Sigh.

So big and yet still so little.

To see the rest of this week's images on Wild, please click here.

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you are my wild: week 8

We call Nora the "wild pony."  On most days, she fully earns that name as she can be fierce and stubborn, with seemingly boundless energy.  So, when I stumbled upon her playing quietly, playing calmly in some pretty afternoon sun, I knew that I should to capture some images of this other side to her.  A beautifully complicated child that one. See all the rest of this week's Wild images here.

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you are my wild: week 7

It is fascinating to listen to Nora's grasp of language grow.  She took her sweet time to start talking, but now, well, you can hardly get a word in edgewise.  I love how she is so absolutely literal at this age.  When I say something silly like, "come here, sunshine" she will invariably respond, "I not sunshine, I Nora."  I also love how she is picking up little turns of phrase.  Her newest one is "best friend."  Granted, over the course of this past week, everyone from Mama to a spoon seems to have held that title.  But, most often, she'll tell me that our littlest pup, Emmett, is her very best friend. I thought that this week for Wild, I'd post something that captures those (somewhat fickle) BFFs.  See the rest of this week's images here.

Oh, and don't feel too badly for our other pup as Nora has let me know that Gracie is in fact my very best friend.

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you are my wild: weeks 4 + 5

When we were brainstorming about this project, we never could have anticipated how many people would relate to it.  be inspired by it.  follow along with it.  We are feeling so very flattered and so very grateful for all of the attention our Wild project has received. And, on a personal level, I don't think that I ever could have realized how important the project would become to me.  Certainly, I get frustrated sometimes trying to take portraits of perhaps the most uncooperative of toddler models.  But, this project motivates me to keep trying when otherwise I might just put my camera down.  Week after week, these little snippets and glimpses and moments are growing into a collection that means the world to me.  both now and when she is grown.

Here are my images from the last two weeks.  To see all the rest, go here.

week 4: twins.




week 5: that ever elusive nap.


you are my wild: week 2

For a good long while, Nora has given up on napping.  I will admit to being more than a little disappointed when my 2-3 hour long block of productivity in the afternoons just disappeared.  But, as the days have gone on, we have adjusted pretty well to our new schedule.  I still try to insist on some quiet time in the middle of the day.  It tends to go something like this: lots of upheaval.  doors opening.  blankets being dragged into the hall.  toys strewn about.  puzzle pieces flung around.  a bit of spying on the neighbors.  more doors opening. I figured it was the perfect thing to capture for this week's you are my wild post.   See everyone's portraits here.


you are my wild

  I am pretty thrilled to be a part of a project that brings together 14 incredible photographers to capture our children over the course of this year.   It is such a simple idea, but, sometimes those can be the most meaningful.  A weekly portrait to document the ones that are our hearts shared together.  I cannot wait to see how you are my wild unfolds.  Please click on the twirling tutu to see more.



Regardless what the future holds, I am always going to be grateful for 2012.  It was my first full year working as a photographer and important to me in so many ways.  So much thanks to all of my clients.  You have made what seemed, at times, like such a pipe dream actually come true.  Thank you for opening up your homes and allowing me into your lives.  Thank you so very much.  

Snippets of Nora

2012 was an incredible year for my business.  Just incredible.  But, before I post some client favorites from this past year, I thought I'd put up a few of my original muse. Some snippets from her year.

Nora is brave, feisty, smart, sweet, and, apparently, not all that modest.

I cannot wait to see what 2013 has in store for this girl.

pumpkin patch

Nora and I recently visited my mom on Long Island.  There is still a bit of farm land by where she lives and we managed to find an incredible pumpkin patch.  It was a pretty great morning on a trip filled with nothing but pretty great moments.

our mermaid

  A little while back, I came across a quote that stuck with me:

"I must be a mermaid, Rango.  I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living." - Anais Nin.

I sure do hope we are raising a mermaid.