It is fascinating to listen to Nora's grasp of language grow. She took her sweet time to start talking, but now, well, you can hardly get a word in edgewise. I love how she is so absolutely literal at this age. When I say something silly like, "come here, sunshine" she will invariably respond, "I not sunshine, I Nora." I also love how she is picking up little turns of phrase. Her newest one is "best friend." Granted, over the course of this past week, everyone from Mama to a spoon seems to have held that title. But, most often, she'll tell me that our littlest pup, Emmett, is her very best friend. I thought that this week for Wild, I'd post something that captures those (somewhat fickle) BFFs. See the rest of this week's images here.
Oh, and don't feel too badly for our other pup as Nora has let me know that Gracie is in fact my very best friend.