pumpkin patch

Nora and I recently visited my mom on Long Island.  There is still a bit of farm land by where she lives and we managed to find an incredible pumpkin patch.  It was a pretty great morning on a trip filled with nothing but pretty great moments.

our mermaid

  A little while back, I came across a quote that stuck with me:

"I must be a mermaid, Rango.  I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living." - Anais Nin.

I sure do hope we are raising a mermaid.

the one I keep going back to | vienna, v.a. newborn and family photographer

I always have a favorite image or two from each session.  Sometimes, they are the same ones that the family loves. Sometimes, they are not. Right now, I am in the middle of editing a recent newborn session and I just keep coming back to this image. It is by no means perfect. The focus is soft on the girls' hands and the composition could be better. But, despite all of its imperfections, I am so drawn to this picture. Maybe it is because we are in the midst of trying to grow our little family of three. And, in this picture, I see what I hope my own future will look like. Maybe, it is because the older child is so young that she can't possibly fully understand her new position in her expanding family, and, yet, she already has so much love for her tiny sister. Maybe, it is because it is simply a sweet moment.Whatever the reason, I love this image.  It is a favorite.