
With our little girl's arrival fast approaching, my newborn sessions are becoming a tiny glimpse into our own future.  And, I do quite like what I see. 


An ugly bout of sickness reared its head at a most unfortunate time, keeping my little mariachi home from her preschool Halloween parade and party.  But, she didn't let that stop her from knocking on a few doors and, astonishingly, letting me take a few pictures of her costume.     

you are my wild: week 37

apples. raspberries.  overalls.  boots.  blue skies.  warm days.  cool nights.  
So far, September is putting on a convincing case for me to live in the moment rather than long for the summer that has passed.
To see the rest of this week's Wild images, please click here.

take me back

It was only a couple of weeks back, but, now with a coolness to the air and leaves scattered on the ground, our trip to the beach feels like forever ago. Fortunately, I can look back over these summertime memories and feel a little warmth whenever necessary. 
A mix of 35mm and contax with a bit of instant film thrown in for fun.

you are my wild: week 35

Nora insists that she "lubs" to eat vegetables.  I insist that she is a liar.  Yet, truth be told, she really does seem to enjoy the ones that we pick straight from the garden.
To see the rest of this week's Wild images, please click here.

you are my wild: week 34

Sung with gusto and without a melody:
 If you want to sing out, sing out
And, if you want to be free, be free
'Cause there's a million things to be
You know that there are.
 -Cat Stevens

To see the rest of this week's Wild images, please click here


you are my wild: week 33

We have been whiling away the last little bit of summer doing the very thing that I love the most: visiting family + spending time at the beach.   
Nora seems to like being at the ocean as much as I do.  And, that makes me happy. 
To see the rest of this week's Wild images, please click here.